50 years of guild: History of Curtin Student Guild’s magazine Grok

By former and current Grok staff The history of Grok Magazine, the official student publication of Curtin University, begins exactly 50 years ago, in April 1969, only a couple of months after the creation of the Western Australian Institute of Technology (WAIT) Student Guild.

In conversation with former Grok editor Adam Connors

Adam Connors finds a quiet corner of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) offices in Perth to speak to Grok briefly about his formative years as a Curtin University student, back in the early-to-mid 1990s, when he wrote for Grok Magazine and worked on his Honours in English.

Underground Lovers – Ascending for Now

Having been on the receiving end of widespread dancefloor hugging and acclaim for each of their last few albums, Underground Lovers’ lead singer Vince Giarrusso tells ADAM CONNORS how they pulled out of the record company apparatus for their new album to keep their sound as pure as their swirling, sweeping sounds.

interview | The Big Day Out ’96 – Local Line-up

folks, here are 10 of the bands from the line-up. fill in the gaps by inserting The Tearjerks, Externals and Challenger 7 where you think they fit in the narrative. sorry, it’s quite long, but it is afterall ten bands and there is some extra stuff about Dirtbag and Atmosfear for CD launch/going away reasons. … Continue reading “interview | The Big Day Out ’96 – Local Line-up”